Sample Survey Questions

  • How long have you been an Association member?
  • What are your expectations of the Association?
  • How would you rate your satisfaction with the Association? School District? Administration?
  • What CTA Member Benefits have you used from the list below?
  • What NEA Member Benefits have you used from the list below?
  • How likely is it that you would recommend the CTA/NEA member benefits you use to a colleague?
  • What is your age?How do you like to be communicated with?
  • Do you blog? Text? Visit web-sites? Facebook? Other social media?
  • How would you rate your knowledge of CTA Member Benefits?
  • How would you rate your knowledge of NEA Member Benefits?
  • Where do you get information about your association Member Benefits?
  • What Member Benefits are you interested in learning more about from the list below?