Standard Grant

CTA Disaster Relief Fund
Standard Grant

The CTA Disaster Relief Fund exists to provide financial assistance to CTA members who have experienced significant losses as a result of natural or other disasters in the state of California.

Qualifying applicants may receive a Standard Grant of up to $1,500.

The following eligibility requirements apply:

1. Currently enrolled as a CTA Active, Student, or CTA-R member in good standing, and

A. A resident in any city or county declared by the State of California to have been subject to a natural or other disaster, or

B. A resident of a dwelling declared unsafe to occupy by City or County officials due to a disaster, with such declaration free of negligence on the part of the member.

2. In addition to satisfying the above requirements, qualifications based on need must also be met. The local chapter of which the applicant is a member verifies the existing condition to determine if the qualifications have been satisfied.

A. The member has suffered significant economic hardship related to the impaired occupancy of the member’s primary residence due to any one of the following conditions as a result of the disaster:

i. Residence condemned by the City or County;

ii. City, County, or insurance adjuster’s written estimate of damage exceeds 10% of replacement cost of the residence; or

iii. Access to the residence prohibited by the City or County for at least 30 days.


B. The member has suffered significant economic hardship related to the impaired use of the member’s primary residence due to two or more of the following:

i. Required utilities (gas, electricity or water) not restored for at least 15 days;

ii. Access to residence prohibited by City or County for at least 15 days;

iii. City, County, or insurance adjuster’s written estimate of damages exceeds 5% of replacement cost of residence or

iv. Extenuating circumstances related to the disaster causing significant economic hardship as deemed by the local association.


C. A grant of $500 may be available if the member has suffered an economic hardship related to substantiated damage to the member’s primary residence/property*. This grant requires a minimum loss of $500 and a substantiation of losses must be provided.

*For date of loss effective January 1, 2023 and beyond , the addition of property to the $500 Standard Grant is defined as immovable property or land and all structures integrated with or affixed to the land, including landscaping/trees, fences, buildings, wells/pumps, and driveways within the primary residence property line. This excludes all motor vehicles and personal articles. CTA members must take reasonable steps to safeguard their property. Basic and preventive maintenance, and wear and tear are typically not covered by the CTA Disaster Relief Fund. The damage, destruction, or loss of property must result from an identifiable event that is sudden, unexpected, or unusual.

Trimming or removal of dead or diseased trees
Mold or rot damage from leaks or poorly sealed doors/windows
Land or soil erosion resulting from long-term wear
Damage that is due to wear or a lack of upkeep

CTA Disaster Relief Fund Grant application can be found at  If you have any questions, contact CTA Member Benefits Department at (650) 552-5200.

Note: The filing deadline is 12 months from the date of the incident. The application and all corresponding documentation must be submitted by 12 months from the date of incident. Must be a CTA member during the incident and current CTA member to qualify. Disaster Relief Fund payments are intended for expenses not compensated for by insurance or otherwise.