
CTA Retirement Savings Plan
CTA is committed to your financial well-being. That is why we created the CTA Retirement Savings Plan (RSP), a 403(b) plan that is distinguished by high-quality and low-fee investment options that are recommended and monitored by a national independent investment consulting firm. CTA established the CTA Voluntary Retirement Plan for Educators, LLC (VRPE) to offer this plan.
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Financial Wellness Center
The Financial Wellness Center was developed by California Teachers Association to help you learn more about your retirement benefits, voluntary retirement savings, basic financial topics, and insurance and estate planning. In addition to the articles, the site features helpful Tools, Everyone has questions videos, dictionary of Jargons and The Buzz. We've also included information on The CTA Retirement Savings Plan. CTA Member Benefits Department also offers educational trainings on 403(b)/457 plans at various conferences and locally.
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